Monday, September 28, 2009


ODST came out Tuesday September 22nd. On Friday Sept 25th I beat the game on Heroic. Now I am playing it out again on Legendary. Here is my review of the game and what I have played on it so far.

So as soon as I got the game I was excited. Many said its another Halo game…what’s gonna be good about this one…or whatever it doesn’t have the Master Chief so its gonna suck. Recently I’ve been getting more into the stories of Halo and reading the books. So I was supper excited to play this game. *SPOILER ALERTS!* I won’t give to much away but I will have some stuff from the game.

It starts out on the ship with your team of ODST ( Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) being prepped for the jump. As you jump, a slipstream disrupts you and your teams path. Then black…

You awaken and you start off. You play as the Rookie, but you encounter things that bring about flashbacks. During the flashback you play as other members of the team you were on. This is a unique part of the game. Each character is in there own unique situation and each one is trying to find other teammates. I think this brings a lot to Halo and the stories. We see Other soldiers who actually talk and have a story to bring…the Master Chief has a lot but we don’t see it in the first 3 Halo’s. Anyways this part makes the game fun. Fighting is different…you are not as strong so you have to take cover much more…the game has a different strategy because of this. Ammo is sparse so finding it and learning what will work (ex. Plasma to take down brute armor) is key.

The story of the Rookie is wide open…there are closed off areas of the maps but a lot of open space to explore as well. Hidden items and weapon caches are scattered through out the city. These are worth searching for and will come in handy. Grenades because your best friend as well. Sticky grenades are a quick way to eliminate enemies.

Firefight mode is new and fun. It’s basically a survival mode where enemies come and your goal is to not die. I was playing by myself and survived for over an hour before I had to go and eat…so that will be fun to get on live and play with people.

SO great game play…graphics are top…story is awesome. Overall…amazing.

Game play 9/10

Graphics 10/10

Story 9.5/10

Overall 9.5/10

Thanks for reading…more post to come.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

One day at a time

So i want to be a Big Loser....a giangantic one infact! Let me go back a few thoughts...right now i am working on losing some wieght. I've gain a bit a wieght of the last few years and its been disapointing. I've told myself i would lose wieght and haven't done anything, haven't changed anything, until now. I've put my self on a pretty tight calorie program, trying to count everything i eat as well as exercise i do. So my staring wieght was 280. that was monday. THis morning i wieght 275. So i already lost 5 pounds. My goal is 250 by October and 220 eventually. but i wanted to set a goal i know i can reach first. So i am not aon a diet but i am counting my calories. Making sure i am keeping them low. I am watching my portions as well. Being very picky about keeping close to what a portion is. With that i also am running 3 times a week a walking daily. Its only been 3 days but with the help of my awesome wife (who also is doing this with me to support me) i think that i'll be good. And i am not losing wieght because i want to be skinny. I am looking at the health risk of being this heavy. So anyways like i said i want to be a Gigantic loser!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ed, Farra, Jacko...Billy Mays

Wow what a crazy week with the celebrity deaths...lots of famous peeps are dieing and getting a lot of news for it. The one i think that has been crazy is Jackos death. I know he's huge and he did a lot for music...but come on. Its Micheal "i like to sleep with children, i have a monkey as my bff, i want the elaphant mans bones" Jackson. People seem to foget hte whacky when someone dies, but what made me most...distraught...sad...and just mad at this was the way its was being reported. I was watching the evening news and fliped to a few news chanels as well...all i saw was coverage on michael jacksons death...not the stuff going on in Iran with people rioting and dieing, not the fact that crazy north korea wants to nuke hawaii on the 4th, nothing that really maters! What about all the other people in the world that died as well on that day. Yes i understand it was news...but the first 15-20 mins of the evening news dedicated to him...A man that was a sicko and had some wierd habbits and likes...i just don't get it and it makes me sad to see what we as a society want to hear about...we talk about being so in touch with things and wanting to bring peace to the world...yet we don't want to know whats really happening. We care about 1 person dieing rather than the thousands who are dieing, who are dieing for what they believe in. Not dieing because they wouldn't eat right and was taking pain pills...if the world ends when the mians say it will...then i hope people start changing there views soon

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Movie reviews and life as i see it

So once again i am starting this up...its been a while since i posted. Not much as far as life with me has happened but i do want to just to give updates. So I've been wanted to write a review for the movie "X-men Origin - Wolverine" but i took a long time because i wanted to really want to absorb what i saw on screen...being a fan of the comic character Wolverine. So here is what i have to say about it officially:
7 out of 10. I think i give it that much because its wolverine. The movie is exciting and some cool action follows the origins pretty closely. But it veers off a bit and the story didn't seemed a developed as i would have liked it. Wolverine is a character with a lot of darkness in his past. A lot happened to him before he got to the point that the movie took over. I know they didn't want to cover would have been way to much, but still...they rushed alot of stuff t get to the adimantium on his bones. And sabertooth and a brother...not digging on that. I know everyone says it is implied in the origins story on wolverine comics but its never a definite. To have them be brothers makes since, because they both have extreem healing factors but there are other explinations for that likeness (same heritage...)So brothers...not digging that. The bone claws looked crappy and the metal claws claws looked worse too me. Deadpool got too little time (he should have had his own movie to beggin with) and the other guys...wasn't digging their characters much either. Leiv as Sabertooth though was perfect to me. He portrayed the cunning and smart sabertooth,...not the lame ogre sabertooth from the xmen movie. and now huge jackman...i thought he was good in the xmen movies, but now he seems lame as the character. idon't believe he has gone through hell and back...i don't believe hes a trained killer. I just don't like him as wolverine. If you read the comics i think you can agree with me...huge jackman is no wolverine. Glen Danzig should have been wolverine....but thats a whole nother thing. So anyways that is my rambling on wolverine. Now i finished it i think i convinced my self it should be like 6 out of 10 instead.

So on a little more serious note...Our pastor Kevin gave a great message out of Philipians 2:1-2 today about God's goodness, striving for that, and the church united in one purpose...Glorifying God in all we do. I love our church and thats that for now.


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