Thursday, December 18, 2008
silly putty...hours of fun and hurting hands
So i just got some silly putty...i know its old school and its a strange thing to get...but i never realized how much fun silly putty is...its a great stress reliever as well. Just sitting at my desk squeezing it helps the day pass a little bit faster. And when i'm stressed...just squeezing and pulling it helps. Its also fun to make shapes and watch it melt back into a putty. Its truely the solid liquid. But warning...if you squeeze it all day your hands will hurt. I was typing and my hands felt very heavey and i couyldn't figure out why, until i started to squeeze my putty yeah just wanted to share my random thought on the most entertaining thing i have right now (even more then my xbox, ipod, iphone, car, dvds, and whatever) silly putty is awesome!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Punisher, Ants and Freezing weather
Ok so my next writing has a few random unrelated and yet totally related topics. So first I saw the Movie "The Punisher War Zone" last weekend. Its based on the comic series the Punisher. So being a comic based film i wanted to see it. I knew that it wasn't going to be great...but wow...So the story was interesting enough, but no development in character, and the guy who played the lead...well lets say they didn't let him say much, he just killed people. Anyways not going to get to much into it but lets just say stay away from this one...can't they just make one good punisher movie? i guess not. 3.5 out of 10
So ants...we have them in our house...i don't want ants in my house. When I was a kid about 3 or 4 i was almost killed by a swarm of fire ants that attacked i hate ants. they seem to be coming out of the wood works...i found one area they were coming from and took care of that...then they found another one to come out of...took care of that as well...and now a new one. This needs to stop. I know its not the end of my world but they are gross and creepy and all any suggestions??? i'd take them. I know how to take them out but how do i get rid of the ones who haven't arrived yet?
Freezing? yes its is freezing here...i am wearing gloves and a beanie...even shoes! and they say there is global warming...This morning our grass was was froze...all the roof tops are white with frozen dew and would snow probably if it was raining, but it would also proceed to melt right away.
So how does this all relate...because its cold the ants are looking for food and trying to get in...they have been at this over the last week when the temps really dropped. And my wife has called me the punisher of the i bring them to justice by killing them for invading my thats how i weaved together this whole little story. Thank you for listening. Next time, maybe something more serious. maybe not though...
PS Thanks Sam! I knew you read these...i still keep up with yours as well...and yes facebook has changed the way the world is...:)
So ants...we have them in our house...i don't want ants in my house. When I was a kid about 3 or 4 i was almost killed by a swarm of fire ants that attacked i hate ants. they seem to be coming out of the wood works...i found one area they were coming from and took care of that...then they found another one to come out of...took care of that as well...and now a new one. This needs to stop. I know its not the end of my world but they are gross and creepy and all any suggestions??? i'd take them. I know how to take them out but how do i get rid of the ones who haven't arrived yet?
Freezing? yes its is freezing here...i am wearing gloves and a beanie...even shoes! and they say there is global warming...This morning our grass was was froze...all the roof tops are white with frozen dew and would snow probably if it was raining, but it would also proceed to melt right away.
So how does this all relate...because its cold the ants are looking for food and trying to get in...they have been at this over the last week when the temps really dropped. And my wife has called me the punisher of the i bring them to justice by killing them for invading my thats how i weaved together this whole little story. Thank you for listening. Next time, maybe something more serious. maybe not though...
PS Thanks Sam! I knew you read these...i still keep up with yours as well...and yes facebook has changed the way the world is...:)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
June 25th...last post...sad
So i haven't posted...maybe i'm not sure what to write...i don't have much going on and i'm not this witty great writer, but today i decided screw all that...i'll write whatever...if someone reads it great...if no one does thats ok i just wanted to write here i go. Yestarday me and my wife and our friends sara and andrew took a trip to san francisco and had alot of fun. I got some gloves and 2 beanies at H&M for $13! they are not high quality but they are cool looking and should last some time...we also went to ruths chris for dinner...if you've never been i'm sorry. you need to go. Its a great steak house. So i ate alot and then we went home. It was an excellent day and a much needed time off from work. I know Christmas is coming but i just needed a pre-christmas day off. ok well thats all for this moment...stayed tuned as i review movies, video games, food, the weather, and much much more!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Borthers Wedding and Teenage Pregnancy
So This past weekend me and Alison went down to my brothers wedding...for those who don't know i have a half brother...we were astranged for about 15 years then one day he found me out of all place...on myspace. So we can truely say myspace re-united us! anyways lots of stuff happened to us over the years but now for the last 2 years we have been trying to regain what we lost in time with each other as well as just trying to be brothers. So anyways he was having his wedding this weekened in San Diego and it was great. Everyone was really happy at the wedding...close friends and family came out to this so lots of fun. But then comes the wierdness for me...first not wierd but good i have a half sister as well. She is autistic, but very high functioning. So it was great to see her. She was very sweet and you could tell she missed me and out dad very much. So it was a joy to sit next to her and have her talk my ear off almost the entire time! :)
so next i met my nephews. My brother has two kids who are my nephews. Very odd and strange. They both are from two differnt mothers like me and Craig (my brother). Watching them interact reminded me of me and my bro when i was little. I really looked up to him and loved him as a kid...but as we got older and our lives went there sperate was we grew apart. As i saw Coby and Damian playing, i was hoping this wouldn't happen to them. They are brothers and need each other.
So what also at this wedding i was sat at the "family" table with craigs mom Fay (whom i never knew and only knew of as a crazy lady) and his step dad (nice man) and craigs grandparents (who were Fay's parents) So this may seem like well you know them and stuff...i never really knew any of them. Plus when i started thinking...all these people knew my dad. Fay was his first wife...therefore her parents knew him pretty well...which was a very odd thought that my dad probably sat at a table with these people much like i was. it was all a little over whelming for me at times but i bore through it and enjoyed myself. Everyone was nice and it made it easy.
Next up during the day...i met Mike...Craigs uncle...Fays brother and one of my Dads closest friends growing up. Now this was very strange and odd. Because he knew my dad before i did...before my mom did...He had a lot of stories from when they were younger that i have never heard. I really didn't know what to say to this man. It was just hard to stand there chit chating with him. But to think there are people that could tell me more about my dad was a cool thought.
So that was the wedding for me. A little strange and over whelming but a great time. A day i won't forget.
In and unrelated note I stumbled across this article...just for those who may not know i work for an abstinence education program so i actually actively look for stuff like this but this is an article about teens getting pregnant on purpose in a little town in main or massachusets or something,8599,1815845,00.html
Its kind of sad but i've talked to people who feel this way and feel like the only love they will get is from there baby...
so next i met my nephews. My brother has two kids who are my nephews. Very odd and strange. They both are from two differnt mothers like me and Craig (my brother). Watching them interact reminded me of me and my bro when i was little. I really looked up to him and loved him as a kid...but as we got older and our lives went there sperate was we grew apart. As i saw Coby and Damian playing, i was hoping this wouldn't happen to them. They are brothers and need each other.
So what also at this wedding i was sat at the "family" table with craigs mom Fay (whom i never knew and only knew of as a crazy lady) and his step dad (nice man) and craigs grandparents (who were Fay's parents) So this may seem like well you know them and stuff...i never really knew any of them. Plus when i started thinking...all these people knew my dad. Fay was his first wife...therefore her parents knew him pretty well...which was a very odd thought that my dad probably sat at a table with these people much like i was. it was all a little over whelming for me at times but i bore through it and enjoyed myself. Everyone was nice and it made it easy.
Next up during the day...i met Mike...Craigs uncle...Fays brother and one of my Dads closest friends growing up. Now this was very strange and odd. Because he knew my dad before i did...before my mom did...He had a lot of stories from when they were younger that i have never heard. I really didn't know what to say to this man. It was just hard to stand there chit chating with him. But to think there are people that could tell me more about my dad was a cool thought.
So that was the wedding for me. A little strange and over whelming but a great time. A day i won't forget.
In and unrelated note I stumbled across this article...just for those who may not know i work for an abstinence education program so i actually actively look for stuff like this but this is an article about teens getting pregnant on purpose in a little town in main or massachusets or something,8599,1815845,00.html
Its kind of sad but i've talked to people who feel this way and feel like the only love they will get is from there baby...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
May 19th
So i haven't had a comp or internet for a few days but i really wanted to post this yestarday...
May 19, 1991 at about 730 am my dad lost his fight with cancer. He had passed away moments after i saw him at the hospital. Its a day i can never matter what i do i can still remember the feeling of rushing to the hospital that morning...the smells as we ran through the hallways to see my dad...and the sounds coming from his mom crying, and my dad just fighting long enough to see me, he litterally died in my arms. Its something you never want to happen and at the age of 10 it happened to me. So today 17 years later i still get a lil wierd on this day. I had to go into class rooms and tell my story of my dad without breaking down and letting people know that this was the day he actually died. I didn't feel hungry most of the day just thinking about him... Its been 17 years never gets easier. But i look at that situation and believe it shapped me to be the person i am today. I believe in my heart that God used his death in my life...By taking away my earthly father...i was able to meet my spiritual father, a father that will always be there for me. I truely miss my dad...buti rejoice in the fact that i have a father in heaven who knows me and what i need.
May 19, 1991 at about 730 am my dad lost his fight with cancer. He had passed away moments after i saw him at the hospital. Its a day i can never matter what i do i can still remember the feeling of rushing to the hospital that morning...the smells as we ran through the hallways to see my dad...and the sounds coming from his mom crying, and my dad just fighting long enough to see me, he litterally died in my arms. Its something you never want to happen and at the age of 10 it happened to me. So today 17 years later i still get a lil wierd on this day. I had to go into class rooms and tell my story of my dad without breaking down and letting people know that this was the day he actually died. I didn't feel hungry most of the day just thinking about him... Its been 17 years never gets easier. But i look at that situation and believe it shapped me to be the person i am today. I believe in my heart that God used his death in my life...By taking away my earthly father...i was able to meet my spiritual father, a father that will always be there for me. I truely miss my dad...buti rejoice in the fact that i have a father in heaven who knows me and what i need.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Graudation day
So 3 years ago today...may 14th i graduated from college. Big deal for only took 6 years but i did it. It was a proud moment for me and my mom. She just had some much joy and was proud of me. So this is a big thing also because i was the first person in my family that graduated college. So this is kind of nostalgic thinking about it...two weeks from today i got married as well! :) so it was an exciting day for me 3 years ago.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Citizenship, Homes, and Jason Castros Guitar
So a few things i wanted to write about. First off...My mother is korean...incase you didn't know i am half a korean! Early today she took her citizenship test and passed! This is her with her token asian Pose!

One last thing do you watch idol? well last night Jason Castro didn't do too good, but his guitar was sweet! heres a pic of what it looks like
So i just wanted to show has the trinity logo cut out for the looks sweet, not sure if it would sound cool...but its sweet!@ so thats all for today.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Moving Forward
So today we signed our papers for our all the papers in the world i think. So its almost 100% official...its like 99.5% official. Friday is the big day! But today i spent some of it just changing our address on stuff like credit cards and DMV info. I'm so ready to be out of our appartment! its been nice and good to us but just ready for the next stage to come and ready to start working on the yard and house.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
May 3
Well i was trying to think what happened to me on this day...last year i was planing to see Spiderman 3 on this midnight but it didn't happen. At this point we knew we were going to move so i knew i shouldn't go no mater how bad i wanted to. So as for may 3rd i can say there is nothing to report...but today i did pack so we could get ready to move! So there is may 3rd
Friday, May 2, 2008
Iron Man
"Well I'm not the superhero type...yeah...i'm Iron Man..." OK so I got the privilege to see this movie last night at 8:30. Me and Andrew are trying to see the big three this summer for superhero movies (Iron Man, Hulk, and Batman) Let me say this was an amazing movie! I loved it from beginning to end. Lots of actions...lots of laughs. Robert Downey Jr. did an amazing Job portraying Tony Starks...Genius and Billionair playboy, who eventually becomes Iron Man. If your into the superhero movies, if you love action, this is a must see. And wait around afterwards to get a surprise from...well i'll let you see!
Rating : 9/10
Rating : 9/10
May 2nd
So today...I was trying to think why is May 2nd important...all i have right now is that Iron Man came out today (i saw it last night though). Its another day closer to to the day my dad died and our move to norcal. So just another day to think about.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Month of May
So today is the first day of May...I have many feelings of this month. Its kind of a significant month for me in my sort little life. There are a lot of joys from this month...there are also some hard to heal pains from this month. So i'm going to try to post stuff for the whole month, just so i can share with people why this month means so much to me. So first is today...may 1st. A Beautiful day here in Nor Cal...a year ago today we were packing and getting ready for our move to NorCal! So today was a happy day!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
A house that we dreamed about
So its no 100% official...but it is and my wife have bought a home...thats right we are going to be home owners! Its hard to believe that about 2 years ago we were thinking this could never happen, and buying a home is in our wildest dreams! but the market has looked good for buyers...and before it starts to make it turn we thought we'd test the waters! Well after about 2 or 3 weeks of looking we found one. We actually found 2 that we liked, but only one of those we loved and it was the one we got. Its a 3 bedroom 2 bath house. Very open and spacious. Its just an exciting blessing for God. We are so happy to have this oppurtunity to be home owners. We won't get to move in until around May 10th, so still about 3 weeks or so, but we are in escrow, we have had inspections and everything looks amazing! So now just have to wait for the paper work and all the things to go through on this house! So if you want more info feel free to ask and i'll let you know, but for now...we have a house! :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Birthdays are great...but fopr me my birthday hasn't really been a thing for me until the last few years when i met Alison and she decided to show me love on my b-day. But my b-day has been wierd for me...a before my 9th my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer. That was hard for me. Then a year later on my 10th my dad was sent to the hospital...that was the last day he would see me outside the hospital. So i've always felt like my b-day was just another day filled with hard memories...and yes i still have some hard memories...thats why i wrote this to get them off my chest, But God has been so good to me and he's given me some great friends and family that love me. One thing i love is my mom calls me no matter what on this day at 10:10am cuz thats when her pain ended and iwas born...i guess i should call her and appologize! :) so anyways thats all for b-day wishes...its much appriciated.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
one day closer
So i'm day from 27...getting closer to 30...this thought wierds me out...for all who are disrespect...but man thats close to being old. My wife said i was having a quarter life crisis. Which i said, "No its mid life...i'm dieing by 50." She didn't think it was funny. I did. So anyways i'm ok, just the thought of being 30 is strange. Its excitingm but man i won't be in my 20 much longer. I remember still being a teen. Don't miss those days, but my 20's have been great. Had my first drink...legally...made some amazing friends, graduated college, got married, moved to NorCal, found a job talking about sex, and there is still time for more to happen. So the day before i turn 27 i decide i will make the most of my youthfulness at 27. A lil something from JEW to remember
Are you gonna live your life wonderin' standing in the back lookin' around?
Are you gonna waste your time thinkin' how you've grown up or how you missed out?
Things are never gonna be the way you want.
Where's it gonna get you acting serious?
Things are never gonna be quite what you want.
Or even at 25, you gotta start sometime.
I'm on my feet, I'm on the floor, I'm good to go.
Now all I need is just to hear a song I know.
I wanna always feel like part of this was mine.
I wanna fall in love tonight.
Jimmy Eat World - A Praise Chorus
Are you gonna live your life wonderin' standing in the back lookin' around?
Are you gonna waste your time thinkin' how you've grown up or how you missed out?
Things are never gonna be the way you want.
Where's it gonna get you acting serious?
Things are never gonna be quite what you want.
Or even at 25, you gotta start sometime.
I'm on my feet, I'm on the floor, I'm good to go.
Now all I need is just to hear a song I know.
I wanna always feel like part of this was mine.
I wanna fall in love tonight.
Jimmy Eat World - A Praise Chorus
Friday, March 14, 2008
Lost again,,20000067,00.html
this is a link to a guys site where he reviews this guy is nuts...he seems to have some great insight on this show and he is very well read so he picks up on many things (like Charlotte Staple Lewis referencing C.S. Lewis). So if you are a fan please read his site. i think you'll learn a lot about the lost universe and how complex it is...and that will make you appreciate the show even more.
So this season has been a spark for Lost...i was losing interest last season but they have just made the show fresh and new...i want to go out now and buy the first three seasons (even though i wasn't a huge fan of last season...the way it play into this one makes it essential) So last episode they completely turned it inside out for me once again...i actually have to see it again to have an opinion on it because the end i was left i know what happened, but why couldn't i see it! they did a great job with this episode and i am excited to watch it again!
this is a link to a guys site where he reviews this guy is nuts...he seems to have some great insight on this show and he is very well read so he picks up on many things (like Charlotte Staple Lewis referencing C.S. Lewis). So if you are a fan please read his site. i think you'll learn a lot about the lost universe and how complex it is...and that will make you appreciate the show even more.
So this season has been a spark for Lost...i was losing interest last season but they have just made the show fresh and new...i want to go out now and buy the first three seasons (even though i wasn't a huge fan of last season...the way it play into this one makes it essential) So last episode they completely turned it inside out for me once again...i actually have to see it again to have an opinion on it because the end i was left i know what happened, but why couldn't i see it! they did a great job with this episode and i am excited to watch it again!
Monday, March 3, 2008
How does God know everything?
This is truly a questions that we will all have until the end of time...and even beyond. Well I've been reading this bible in a year program and i was reading Matthew, Specifically verses 23-25. Basically Jesus telling us of the end of time, and a few parables about it. In 25:31-46 it says this
31"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.
32"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;
33and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.
34"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;
36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.'
37"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?
38'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?
39'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'
40"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'
41"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;
43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.'
44"Then they themselves also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?'
45"Then He will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.'
46"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
Now people interpret this verse so many ways...I don't want to get into that because wouldn't want to read everything i could say about this, but i just wanted to say something. Verse 35-36 really hit me. Not because i think that you need to do works to gain salvation...because you don't. Works should come naturally out of you faith in God...which is all from God...another long topic that many would love to was more of the praticle since though of this. Just simply helping people because of what God has done for you...I can't count how many times i've driven by people and just ignored them...even when they really needed help. On Sunday after church God gave me an oppurtunity to live this out. A man was broken on the freeway and was pushing his truck...a small UHaul basically...well i pulled over to help. And he seemed very apprcitive. It was a hot afternoon and the man was probablly in his late 50's or so...As i drove by this verse was tugging at me to stop...and like i said not because i think thats how i'll get into heaven...but because of what Jesus has done for me...and what he has given me. Like i said he was very appriciative of the help and even gave me a card with his business saying if i needed anything to let him know...that was a nice gestur...i would never do something like that for something in return but it was nice. So anyways how did God know that verse was tugging at my heart and how did he set it up that i could help someone in need? well its obviously him who did all this...but its still crazy to think...and like i said one more time...I don't think what i did ment that i'm better or that i have gain a lil more salvation...but the joy of just helping someone out...because Jesus in turn helped me...makes it good!
31"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.
32"All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;
33and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left.
34"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
35'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in;
36naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.'
37"Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?
38'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?
39'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'
40"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'
41"Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;
42for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink;
43I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.'
44"Then they themselves also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?'
45"Then He will answer them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.'
46"These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
Now people interpret this verse so many ways...I don't want to get into that because wouldn't want to read everything i could say about this, but i just wanted to say something. Verse 35-36 really hit me. Not because i think that you need to do works to gain salvation...because you don't. Works should come naturally out of you faith in God...which is all from God...another long topic that many would love to was more of the praticle since though of this. Just simply helping people because of what God has done for you...I can't count how many times i've driven by people and just ignored them...even when they really needed help. On Sunday after church God gave me an oppurtunity to live this out. A man was broken on the freeway and was pushing his truck...a small UHaul basically...well i pulled over to help. And he seemed very apprcitive. It was a hot afternoon and the man was probablly in his late 50's or so...As i drove by this verse was tugging at me to stop...and like i said not because i think thats how i'll get into heaven...but because of what Jesus has done for me...and what he has given me. Like i said he was very appriciative of the help and even gave me a card with his business saying if i needed anything to let him know...that was a nice gestur...i would never do something like that for something in return but it was nice. So anyways how did God know that verse was tugging at my heart and how did he set it up that i could help someone in need? well its obviously him who did all this...but its still crazy to think...and like i said one more time...I don't think what i did ment that i'm better or that i have gain a lil more salvation...but the joy of just helping someone out...because Jesus in turn helped me...makes it good!
Friday, February 22, 2008
SO the weather is crazy! We were planning to help out at a community project. It was a graffiti clean up project with Santa Rosa Police Department...and its been raining. Today was going to be the day to determine and its been kind of a nice day. A little rain here and there but as i'm typing sun shine outside. But we still had to cancel because of previous rain and "possible" rain. There is an 80% chance of rain tomorrow...thats huge but if it doesn't rain then we just missed out on helping the community! oh well what are you going to do...blame it on the rain?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Assassins Creed
Well I just got done playing Assassins Creed. It’s a game for the XBOX 360 that came out late last year. When I saw it I knew I wanted to play it because it looked amazing. So I bought it with my Christmas money. So I’m going to give a little review of the game. I’ll break down a few elements and then give it a final rating out of 10.
So the story was pretty good. You are an Assassin in the present time and you have been abducted by a company that wants to know some secrets. They believe that people hold the memories to their ancestors. So they are looking for something lost in the Holy Land. Ok so great premise of the story. So most of the game play is in the past. The story progress well in the game play but the story in the present is slow and almost pointless. You go through scenes in the present that are you walking around and reading e-mails. So that part was very dull. When you beat the game…well you’re left wondering. The story is sort of resolved in the game play, but the story in the present has no ending. OXM rates this end as the worst of the year…and I’d have to agree. You don’t even realize that it ends. It may setup a sequel game but still there could have been some resolution. 8/10 for game play 3/10 for present
So the gameplay is fun. The tutorial was long, but a little needed. The controls are a little hard but once you get them its fun. Exploring is fun and fight is fun, but gets repetitive as you go through the game. You save citizens, pickpocket, kill people…Its fun but don’t try to do it all at one time. Spread it out so you don’t feel like your doing the same stuff. The flags are a little crazy too. They are spread out all over the land and hard to find. I suggest using a website or map to find them all. 8/10
Simply amazing. The graphics were stunning. You climb to the highest heights and take a leap of faith off. Visual this game will satisfy. You play the game from the 3rd person over the shoulder action view…you’d know this if you do…anyways the visuals are amazing. The landscape is beautiful and the scenery is outstanding. This would be a good enough reason to play this game. 10/10
So over all I game this game an 8/10 It could have been lower because of the ending, but all the other elements are great and were able to keep this game a solid game. So anyways hope you appreciate this review. And hope it helps you in deciding on this game.
So the story was pretty good. You are an Assassin in the present time and you have been abducted by a company that wants to know some secrets. They believe that people hold the memories to their ancestors. So they are looking for something lost in the Holy Land. Ok so great premise of the story. So most of the game play is in the past. The story progress well in the game play but the story in the present is slow and almost pointless. You go through scenes in the present that are you walking around and reading e-mails. So that part was very dull. When you beat the game…well you’re left wondering. The story is sort of resolved in the game play, but the story in the present has no ending. OXM rates this end as the worst of the year…and I’d have to agree. You don’t even realize that it ends. It may setup a sequel game but still there could have been some resolution. 8/10 for game play 3/10 for present
So the gameplay is fun. The tutorial was long, but a little needed. The controls are a little hard but once you get them its fun. Exploring is fun and fight is fun, but gets repetitive as you go through the game. You save citizens, pickpocket, kill people…Its fun but don’t try to do it all at one time. Spread it out so you don’t feel like your doing the same stuff. The flags are a little crazy too. They are spread out all over the land and hard to find. I suggest using a website or map to find them all. 8/10
Simply amazing. The graphics were stunning. You climb to the highest heights and take a leap of faith off. Visual this game will satisfy. You play the game from the 3rd person over the shoulder action view…you’d know this if you do…anyways the visuals are amazing. The landscape is beautiful and the scenery is outstanding. This would be a good enough reason to play this game. 10/10
So over all I game this game an 8/10 It could have been lower because of the ending, but all the other elements are great and were able to keep this game a solid game. So anyways hope you appreciate this review. And hope it helps you in deciding on this game.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
It is well with my soul
Today at church Kevin was preaching on joy. He was preaching out of Ecclesiastes 11. I was leading worship with Alison and we try to do songs about joy…mainly hymns because I wanted to do them but stuff like I Stand Amazed and You Are My King (Amazing Love). The last song I did was It Is Well With My Soul. Today during the service one of our members found out his father died. He was 90 and had a full life, but to lose a loved one is hard no matter what. So I was thinking of him as we went up to sing this song. I had looked up the history to this song and the author because I knew he had a crazy story. His son died at 4, he was a lawyer and had real estate that was all wiped out during the Chicago fires. After trying to help people out he wanted to take a vacation. He sent his family ahead and all four of his daughters drowned when the boat hit another boat. Only his wife lived. After all that and traveling to meet his wife he was moved, as they were passing the area where the boat sank, to pen the word to this song. I told that story before we sang, not to make people feel bad, but to see the joy that is found in the Lord. I wanted everyone to think of the words and the man who wrote them and what he was going through, and how he would say it is well with my soul Lord. I hope this song helped our church member deal with his father death. I actually was getting choked up thinking of my dads death, and how his death was able to bring me to the Lord. I wasn’t a believer before then, but afterwards I was searching for answers and the Lord drew me to Him. He showed me He was enough. It was through His sons death I would be able to say these words…It is well, with my soul.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
I wanted to wait a little while before i gave my opinion on the Lakers and there trade. I wanted to let it play out, see how things happened. I can say that i was very excited when i heard it. I hated Kwamee Brown since the begining. Even when he played like 2 good games i knew he was a bust. I always like Pau Gasol. I alway felt he was a strong player and need to be in a good system. Now we got rid of Kwamee which is great. He was just horible. One of the biggest disapointments ever to play the game. We traded up big time for Pau who is a legit all star. He has struggled at times and can hardly play defence...but he still got a solid game, and his D is still solid. With Him at the Power, Lamar at Small, Bynum at Center, Kobe and Shooting and D-Fish at Point we have a solid starting lineup that can man up with anyone in the league. And the bench is solid as well. Famar WILL be a solid point for years to come. Ronny is pure hustle and no one can deny his heart and his style of play...kinda like AC Green...Mihm will be a good backup center...Sasha is a spark and a solid shooter...nopt the best but good. And you have many other back ups that'll help the Lakers. So i think this year...West Confrence Finals VS the Spurs and losing in 6. Next year the Championship with Bynum leading the way(never thought i'd say that)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Theres a game called Rock Band...its super cool if you haven't played it...anyways theres a group called Flyleaf whose song "I'm So Sick" is on the game...the first time i heard it i knew i loved i checked them and they are awesome. They have a female vocalist who has a cool voice. She has some great power behind it. The band rocks too. The music is Hard Rock i guess...some would say metal...whatever it is check them out. If you like Chevelle...they kind of have a sound like that with a female vocalist. Rock 'n' Roll!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Ok so i'd like to give some little known facts on the superbowl.
1. Eli Manning, Junior Seau, Rodney Harrison, Wes Welkers - All former Chargers. Why does this matter. It doesn't but I'm a chargers fan and this was interesting to me. Eli was actually drafted and then traded to the Giants for Philip Rivers and two drafts that would become Nate Kading and Shawn Merriman so yeah...
2. The Patriots ended offically at 18-1. They are the third team to do winning 18 wasn't a first, but winning 18 in a row was. They also are the first team to finish 18-1 and NOT win the Superbowl. The other teams were the 1984 49ers and the 1985 Bears. Both won the superbowl.
3. This is the second straight superbowl a Manning won. Big brother Peyton won it last year (beat the pats in the AFC Championship) and little brother Eli won it this year.
4. The Giant are the first team to start the season 0-2 and win the superbowl. Usually teams start 0-2 and don't make the playoffs.
5. Jeff Feagles of the Giants is the oldest player to every play the Superbowl. (41 years old)
6. This was Junior Seau 2nd superbowl. His first was with the chargers at Superbowl XXIX where they were blown out by the 49ers. His second was this one where his team lost again. He is 38years old.
7. Michael Strahann played in his second Superbowl winning this one. His first was Superbowl XXXV where they lost to the Ravens.
8. The Combination of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady had never lost a Superbowl game (3-0) before this one (3-1)
9. Plaxico Burress guarantied a Win in this game with a score of 23-17. The Final score was 17-14.
10. The Giants lost there first two games...Lost Tiki Barber, their star running back who retired early...Michael Strahann nearly retired at the begining of the season...Eli Manning's leadership was being questions left and right...Tom Cofflin, there coach had to practically beg for his job...and they go on to beat the previously unbeaten partiots and win the Superbowl.
11. The Giants played the Patriots 3 times this year: 1st a loss 27-20 at the end of the pre-season. 2nd a loss 38-35 at the end of the regular season. 3rd a win, 17-14 at the end of the post season...the Superbowl. The only game that really mattered.
12. The Chargers will come back next year and win the superbowl! They will go 13-3 and come into the playoff hot winning the superbowl....not a fact but a predictions.
1. Eli Manning, Junior Seau, Rodney Harrison, Wes Welkers - All former Chargers. Why does this matter. It doesn't but I'm a chargers fan and this was interesting to me. Eli was actually drafted and then traded to the Giants for Philip Rivers and two drafts that would become Nate Kading and Shawn Merriman so yeah...
2. The Patriots ended offically at 18-1. They are the third team to do winning 18 wasn't a first, but winning 18 in a row was. They also are the first team to finish 18-1 and NOT win the Superbowl. The other teams were the 1984 49ers and the 1985 Bears. Both won the superbowl.
3. This is the second straight superbowl a Manning won. Big brother Peyton won it last year (beat the pats in the AFC Championship) and little brother Eli won it this year.
4. The Giant are the first team to start the season 0-2 and win the superbowl. Usually teams start 0-2 and don't make the playoffs.
5. Jeff Feagles of the Giants is the oldest player to every play the Superbowl. (41 years old)
6. This was Junior Seau 2nd superbowl. His first was with the chargers at Superbowl XXIX where they were blown out by the 49ers. His second was this one where his team lost again. He is 38years old.
7. Michael Strahann played in his second Superbowl winning this one. His first was Superbowl XXXV where they lost to the Ravens.
8. The Combination of Bill Belichick and Tom Brady had never lost a Superbowl game (3-0) before this one (3-1)
9. Plaxico Burress guarantied a Win in this game with a score of 23-17. The Final score was 17-14.
10. The Giants lost there first two games...Lost Tiki Barber, their star running back who retired early...Michael Strahann nearly retired at the begining of the season...Eli Manning's leadership was being questions left and right...Tom Cofflin, there coach had to practically beg for his job...and they go on to beat the previously unbeaten partiots and win the Superbowl.
11. The Giants played the Patriots 3 times this year: 1st a loss 27-20 at the end of the pre-season. 2nd a loss 38-35 at the end of the regular season. 3rd a win, 17-14 at the end of the post season...the Superbowl. The only game that really mattered.
12. The Chargers will come back next year and win the superbowl! They will go 13-3 and come into the playoff hot winning the superbowl....not a fact but a predictions.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Untracable Review
So on Saturday we went and saw Untracable. We were trying to see I Am Legend, but thats been out for a while and is harder to find. Anyways we saw this movie and I liked it. Its not like i'd see it again but it was a good movie. Some people would say this was a horror but it wasn't that scary, just more distrubing because of how real it seemed. There are sickos out there that would do stuff like this. Anyways on a scale of 1-10 i'd give it a 6.5. It was a good movie and I didn't regret seeing it. It had actions and a good story that kept me involved. But it was just ok. I wouldn't see it again. The end was dramatic and pretty good, but it seemed just like...ok so thats it. I think the thing I thought was interesting was what it was saying about society and the sickness we have with things like death and murder and the gruesome things. So maybe a rent when its on video and hold off from theaters.
Friday, February 1, 2008
Lost...season 4 opens *Possible Spoilers* but not really
Ok so i used to do a review thing on lost on another website for fun and i decided i would try that here on my blog. Just know that i'm not going to reveal alot of stuff...but this maybe a spoiler for some. Well the night started with a clip recap episode. It was a good thing to start with since the last episode was so long ago. It was acutually in May...but yeah anyways we are given that recap episode. Then it starts...well Lost has done something a little differnt and i really liked it. They are doing Flash Fowards instead of Flash Backs...what happened to them after the call...after they got off the island...or what could potentially happen. Now we are at a crossroads with the show. We once were trying to figure out the they got there, what they have done...who they have conections with. Now we are looking ahead. We got that at the end of last season and i believe that is going to make the show fresh. So we are basically seeing what happened from right where we were left last season. In typical Lost fashion they answer a questions or two just to have about a hundred more pop up. Anyways we are left with a good cliff hanger for next week. Like i said i won't be going in too deep i don't want to spoil everything. Let me know if you have an opinion on the Flash Fowards though.
Monday, January 7, 2008
So i'm shuffling through songs and this one plays
I'm the failure
I'm everyone's fool
And I'm losing my cool at the end
I'm the loser
My numbers come up
I've been hung up with thoughts of
I've been watching you with my terminal view
As you struggle to rise to your end
I laughed hard at the insults we through
As the weight of the world found revenge
Have hatred and Gravity won?
The world hung upsidedown
I drew first blood [2x]
With my hateful recrown
I drew first blood [2x]
I watched heaven dying today
and I'm gonna die here tonight
I'm the villian and I deserve to be dead
I've been hung up for recking my life
Revenge [2x]
So I stopped for a momentto look at the sundying today
That's when the irony hit me
That this was revenge
That love had decended and stolen our pain
We consumed heaven's Son
And I drew first blood [2x]
And my hate was undone
And I drew first blood [2x]
Here's a story
How thief had been robed
How murder had stolen my rage
Think of me Lord
I'm a few breaths away
As my lungs finally rip from the cage
I'm the failure
I'm everyone's fool
And I'm losing my cool at the end
I'm the loser
My numbers come up
I've been hung up with thoughts of
I've been watching you with my terminal view
As you struggle to rise to your end
I laughed hard at the insults we through
As the weight of the world found revenge
Have hatred and Gravity won?
The world hung upsidedown
I drew first blood [2x]
With my hateful recrown
I drew first blood [2x]
I watched heaven dying today
and I'm gonna die here tonight
I'm the villian and I deserve to be dead
I've been hung up for recking my life
Revenge [2x]
So I stopped for a momentto look at the sundying today
That's when the irony hit me
That this was revenge
That love had decended and stolen our pain
We consumed heaven's Son
And I drew first blood [2x]
And my hate was undone
And I drew first blood [2x]
Here's a story
How thief had been robed
How murder had stolen my rage
Think of me Lord
I'm a few breaths away
As my lungs finally rip from the cage
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