Friday, March 28, 2008


Birthdays are great...but fopr me my birthday hasn't really been a thing for me until the last few years when i met Alison and she decided to show me love on my b-day. But my b-day has been wierd for me...a before my 9th my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer. That was hard for me. Then a year later on my 10th my dad was sent to the hospital...that was the last day he would see me outside the hospital. So i've always felt like my b-day was just another day filled with hard memories...and yes i still have some hard memories...thats why i wrote this to get them off my chest, But God has been so good to me and he's given me some great friends and family that love me. One thing i love is my mom calls me no matter what on this day at 10:10am cuz thats when her pain ended and iwas born...i guess i should call her and appologize! :) so anyways thats all for b-day wishes...its much appriciated.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!!!
Sorry the past ones have been a source of sadness, but here's to still living! :)


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