Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Borthers Wedding and Teenage Pregnancy

So This past weekend me and Alison went down to my brothers wedding...for those who don't know i have a half brother...we were astranged for about 15 years then one day he found me out of all place...on myspace. So we can truely say myspace re-united us! anyways lots of stuff happened to us over the years but now for the last 2 years we have been trying to regain what we lost in time with each other as well as just trying to be brothers. So anyways he was having his wedding this weekened in San Diego and it was great. Everyone was really happy at the wedding...close friends and family came out to this so lots of fun. But then comes the wierdness for me...first not wierd but good i have a half sister as well. She is autistic, but very high functioning. So it was great to see her. She was very sweet and you could tell she missed me and out dad very much. So it was a joy to sit next to her and have her talk my ear off almost the entire time! :)

so next i met my nephews. My brother has two kids who are my nephews. Very odd and strange. They both are from two differnt mothers like me and Craig (my brother). Watching them interact reminded me of me and my bro when i was little. I really looked up to him and loved him as a kid...but as we got older and our lives went there sperate was we grew apart. As i saw Coby and Damian playing, i was hoping this wouldn't happen to them. They are brothers and need each other.

So what also at this wedding i was sat at the "family" table with craigs mom Fay (whom i never knew and only knew of as a crazy lady) and his step dad (nice man) and craigs grandparents (who were Fay's parents) So this may seem like well you know them and stuff...i never really knew any of them. Plus when i started thinking...all these people knew my dad. Fay was his first wife...therefore her parents knew him pretty well...which was a very odd thought that my dad probably sat at a table with these people much like i was. it was all a little over whelming for me at times but i bore through it and enjoyed myself. Everyone was nice and it made it easy.

Next up during the day...i met Mike...Craigs uncle...Fays brother and one of my Dads closest friends growing up. Now this was very strange and odd. Because he knew my dad before i did...before my mom did...He had a lot of stories from when they were younger that i have never heard. I really didn't know what to say to this man. It was just hard to stand there chit chating with him. But to think there are people that could tell me more about my dad was a cool thought.

So that was the wedding for me. A little strange and over whelming but a great time. A day i won't forget.

In and unrelated note I stumbled across this article...just for those who may not know i work for an abstinence education program so i actually actively look for stuff like this but this is an article about teens getting pregnant on purpose in a little town in main or massachusets or something,8599,1815845,00.html
Its kind of sad but i've talked to people who feel this way and feel like the only love they will get is from there baby...


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