Monday, December 17, 2007

H & M

There is this store called H & i'm no fashion guru or anything, and not a fan of these stores usually, but i found some sweet stuff there. The store in San Fancisco. I got a pretty tight bennie, and cool lil military hat and a cool scraff...all for under $20! Anyways just wanted to share that...picture may come one day but for now nothing...just a thought to share with all

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Willow Creek

Ok so i stole this from copper hills web site and give all credit to Joseph Isaac for posting this on the Copperhill Communtiy Church Blogsite

Basically if you've never heard of Will Creek they are a program driven church to the extreme. I've seen serval specials on Nightline and show like check out the artical. Very interesting

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For Christ's sake...what are we doing

Well people might see that and think that I'm evil...whatever. I just wanted to share this. I was looking up quotes just randomly. I wanted to print some out and put them on my wall at work so i have something to look at and look to, so i can be constantly reminded of why i live. I decided to look up some Milton quotes since Milton is the man...Half of the quotes i found were so amazing but a little long and a little hard to understand. That's John Milton for ya. anyways i found this quote and it just hit me like a golf club to the side of my head.

"We read not that Christ ever exercised force but once; and that was to drive profane ones out of His temple, not to force them in." - John Milton

Wow...That's all i could think and this thought has been on my mind all day. I've been think of church and people who claim to be Christians. Who claim to do works in Christ's name. I think of the anti-abortion crowd...the anti-gay crowd. What they are doing out there. They are using force to tell these people they are going to hell. They are using methods that's Christ would have never used. Now I'm not saying abortion is good, because i firmly believe it is murder, but to hold a sign screaming and yelling at some girl who maybe 16 and not know whats she's really doing, someone who probably needs to be loved and reached out too. To see that on T.V., in the news, anywhere, saddens me. This goes a little bit with my sex drugs and rock n roll topic of beating people with the bible, who don't realize the need for a savior yet. The same for the anti-homosexual crowd. i see them and i just get sad, because is this the way we treat God's creations. They are sinners just like the rest of us, so why can't they ask for forgiveness and repent from there sins. I know a lot won't and its easy to attack them, but attacking them isn't going to get them to change there ideas and come to the Lord. Not to be so cliche but where is the Love. The Love that God showed all his people. The love that believers need to show. We must stand strong for what we believe, but we gotta show the world what true love is. That love that God showed us by giving us His Son. Sending him to be born to die. Its Christmas time, maybe now would be a good time to really show someone how amazing Christ birth was...a virgin birth of a Boy who would grow up into a Man that would die on a cross so that we could one day pray for Him to save our lives. And he came back to life and lives.

Anyways i know the Milton quote talks about forcing unbelievers into the church...not really bringing them in, but one thought sparked others in my mind and i just felt like a little ranting.

Monday, December 10, 2007

My Wife

This month is Alisons birthday...i just wanted to say something about her...I love her a lot. I am so thankful for her in my life. I really think she is what a wife should be. She has been my helper, she has been fully suportive of what i do, she never discourages me and always encourages me. She makes me a better person. I strive to be better for her, so that i can hopefully make her better, even though i can't think how. She makes me yummy food and helps me be healthy. Because of her i will live a longer life. God really did bless me when he made her and brought her into my life. I can never ask for anything more than her

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ok so...

Ok wife pointed out that all my post for some reason start with this...i think i'm a mess. so next post i'll try to start it differntly, but maybe this is my signature way of starting a post...i don't know...but i just thought this was funny.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Sex Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll

Ok so as you may know i work for an orginization called Free To Be, We go into school teaching them Sexual Abstinance before marriage. We are a non-religious orginization and we teach that there are many physical, emotional, and social reason t0 wait to have sex before marriage. So lately thats whats been on my mind. The reasons to abstain from things. I have a onetruth shirt thats has pictures depicting in a clean way, Sex Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll. it says:

"in a world filled with so much "pleasure", we feel so much dissatisfaction. could it be that we were meant to experience something far greater?"

Now this is a christian company and the message is talking about God and how he made us and wants us to experiance Him, His Son which is far greater than all the worldly pleasures out there. I was thinking how to relate this message a world that doesn't want to hear about God. A world who doesn't understand "the bible says" or "God said". What good is it to teach them something they don't believe? don't get me wrong...teaching the bible is top of my "Things to Do" list. But to tell a sinner the bible says stupid, unless they understand the need for the bible, for a savior, for a loving God in there lives.

So i've been thinking of this message...Sex Drugs Rock and Roll...Why wouldn't it appeal to a world that sees these things as things that the rich people do...things that the popular people do...things famous people do. Watching t.v. and seeing whos in the news it doesn't surprise me that these things appeal to most people. SOOO what can we do to teach this world that these things are empty? What do we do to show the world that theres something more out there? I don't have the answers...i'm still trying to figure it out. But for now i'm out there. I'm out there trying to show people the need for a savior...and if this message fails i try to show them that worldly things will fade and be i don't know...i just wanted to share these thoughts so thanks for listening.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am not a Christian writer

Ok so this is a post on Andrew Schwab (lead singer/song writer for Project 86) He does writings and i really thought this was a good one...i wanted to link it but it wouldn't link so i'll post it.


Literature should be unconsciously, rather than deliberately and defiantly Christian. –T.S. Eliot.

Perhaps this is a tired issue. But something tells me it’s not. Maybe it’s the discussions I see and hear on a weekly basis, or maybe it’s the emails I read everyday. Regardless of the where and how, the debate in popular Christian culture over the function and spiritual motive of artists is a tepid one. And it is as much a question of the medium as it is the message, the motive as much as the messenger. And what everyone seems to want to know is, “Is _____ a Christian _______?” (insert band name, author name, painter name, etc., and their appropriate medium accordingly).

This question has been posed for ages, and in no way am I qualified to give a complete answer. Nor do I desire to.

“Art Tends to show rather than tell.”

What I take this to mean is this: it is the power of the creative medium, in creativity and ambiguity itself, to ask questions, to evoke thought, rather than just give answers. It is my fervent opinion that the ultimate role of the artist in culture is to provoke a response in the audience, to cause the listener, the viewer, to wrestle with concpets of life, love, regret, salvation, and eternity so that the author himself fades into the background of the work itself, thus leaving the greater question with the mind of said audience.

The most powerfully Christian messages I have ever experienced in songs, poems, and writings, have been the ones that came not from explicitly Christian sources (who inherently present somewhat biased artifacts of worldview in most instances), but sources which to me seemed objective. After all, when I hear an artist otherwise considered “secular” speak of encountering the one and only true God, it is to me the greatest evidence of all that he is at work in all things, not just the limited scope of Christian subculture.

Can a christian musician write only christian songs? Can he not write about everyday life? Can he play characters in songs which might not reflect his own worldview in order to illustrate a greater point? Is there a such thing as a Christian artist? Is there a such thing as a Christian pilot, mortician, or cab driver? Is God not the God of all things, including the trivial, the mundane? Consider not the messenger only, nor only the motive. The artist himself is only one part of the equation. Consider the medium as well as the message. Consider the fact that God speaks through the confused minds of unbelievers if he so chooses, along with believers. After all, he is the God of all things…

“It should be remembered that art created to change minds often actually does more to bolster the spirit of those already in agreement than it does to convert opponents. The antiwar songs of the 1960s put into words the ideas of the young people opposed to American engagement in Vietnam, but had no reported impact on the policy makers inside the Pentagon.” –Steve Turner.



heres his website

Monday, November 26, 2007

Project 86

Ok so this is a banner for one of my other favorite bands, Project86. They have a new EP being released tomorrow exclusively on itunes and there website. I've heard a few of the tracks and i really dig it. If your into the post hardcore what ever good music that rocks scene then you should definitely check out P86...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Free To Be

OK so after 6 months or so i have finally done it! I got a JOB! That's right i finally have a job. Its with an organization called Free To Be. They go into schools in the Sonoma County area promoting abstinence. I will be working as the Youth Outreach Coordinator. Basically i will be working with kids teaching how to be peer councilors. Its really awesome and I'll be able to use some of what i learned at masters in this job. I really feel blessed that this opportunity has come up for me. Gods timing is definitely perfect. The Job was perfect for me in that it is working with kids, teaching them something i totally believe in. So pray for me that I'll be able to do my best out there teaching them why they should wait for mariage. I will be able to teach a lot of kids. Pray for me that i will impact these kids in some way and be able to build a relationship with them. If you want to check out the site its at Thanks for all the prayers out there!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Simpsonize Me

Ok so i know this was around along time ago but i couldn't get it work then, now i got it to work and here are the results of Jason as in the town of Springfield!

Monday, November 12, 2007


So about a year ago a brand new show came on the scene. A show simply entitled Heroes. It was about people who found out they had powers. Kind of like X-Men. People living ordinary lives, finding out they could do extrordinary things. Anyways it has become my favorite show and its in its second season... as i write the show is on. This show takes us back to the events immediatly following what happened at the end of season one...anyways i just wanted to let people know this show is awesome and if you haven't watched it you need to! It has action, drama, suspence, awesome characters and an amazing story.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Switchfoot - Rebuild

Ok so Switchfoot is my favorite band and they sent out something in regards to a new song to download called Rebuild. The Song was written for there tour with Relient K and it features Matt from relient K as well as Dustin from Ruth playing Harmonica (ruth is the other band they are touring with) It was orignaly inspire by Habitat for Humanity. A Dollar from each ticket was going towards Habitat, but wit hthe recent fire in S.D. the song now means more to them and they would like to share it. They ask for a donation but say that you can ge it for free because they want people to have. Goto there site or ask me about it and you should check it out. here are the lyrics from there site.

Watching the world with my highway eyes
watching the world from the windows that I've known
these mobile homes

Loneliness was a friend of mine
But with you that's through and I feel home
away from home
away from home
away from home

oh we're the regeneration
oh with time to kill
oh we're the regeneration
oh rebuild, rebuild

you lit a fire in the pouring rain
but there's so many noisy voices
oh! I get so cold.

the city lights and the midnight train
I hate to say it but I get caught letting go
of the things I know

do not conform to this
do not conform

oh we're the regeneration
oh with time to kill
oh we're the regeneration
oh rebuild, rebuild

every life comes with a broken heart
dying here to be made whole
we are the lost souls with a second star
tfollowing the builder home
there's a temple I've found in the strangest par
twhere the stones are built of souls
where the builder himself has promised, "love
I'm never going to let you go. Go!"

oh we're the regeneration
oh with time to killoh we're the regeneration
oh rebuild, rebuild


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Halo 3

Ok so this post is for all those who play a little game called Halo. Its a game that came out for the original Xbox and has evolved with its 3rd game. Halo 3 on the Xbox 360. I loved the first halo...the second one was ok...never got to into it for some reason…maybe it was because I didn’t have Ken Evans to make me play instead of going to chapel…(its true I ditched chapel to play halo with him…) The latest Halo I was very excited about. Now I was lucky to have an awesome father in law who got me my Xbox 360 which enabled me to get Halo 3. So anyways I pre-ordered it in May and it didn’t get here until about a week later, so I rented it to play it (yeah my wife found a copy!) So I started to play…didn’t get to play the story mode because at that time my friend Tim Fulton was down from Seattle so we played against each other a lot. And Andrew came over as well to play. And I didn’t have my live account up yet. Eventually I got to play the story mode and let me say…the story is awesome. I started it on Heroic because that the way the game was meant to be played…or so they say. Anyways awesome story. Now I got a live account and started playing online. So this is what truly makes the game. The story has enough to keep you playing. If you’re a freak like me there are a lot of achievements to get through the story mode, but online is where its at. It reminds me of good old college days with Ken setting up the movie room and Xboxes in at least 3 rooms…I think there was 4 but we had 3 linked. So anyways a fund game where you play and meet people all around the world. I have a friend in Japan that I play with. I have friends from coast to coast…so anyways its kind of lame but it’s a game that I love!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

May Dog

Ok so one of the first things we did when we moved up here was get a dog. We adopted this puppy from the pound. We walked by her and she wasn't anything special. She was kind of quite and just laying there. We actually missed her the first time but walking back I looked at her. She looked kind of sad just laying there. We wanted to checked her out so we asked if we could see her out of her kenal. She was out and she just became alive. She wasn't crazy just happy. She was smelling everything and just having a blast. We had to put her back. When she was back she put her little nose under the gate just wanting to touch us...we had to take her home at that point. Now we wonder what life was like before her. She is out lil baby...out lil Mayby! She is 100% love! She is our May. Our MayDog. When we are sad she makes us happy and comforts us. She love to cuddle and loves to be where we are. Let me say that getting a pound puppy is the greatest thing...well for us it is...i'm sure adopt children is better but if your not ready for that dogs are where its at!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Napa Valley

So I live in NorCal now. I still have a SoCal heart though. You can take the boy out of SoCal...well you can guess the rest. anyways we live up in the Sonoma Valley. You may know the area because its know for the wineries and vineyards. Living here we are also very close to Napa. Napa is another region that is know for famous wineries and vineyards. Before moving here i had been to reason to go. But now that we live here we have been there at least 4 or 5 times. This last weekend we just went there to visit some friends and hang out. let me just say that right now the area is beautiful. The vineyards are all colors still. Some patches of red and yellow mixed in with the greens...If you have a chance to come up here i really suggest that you do. There’s a lot of cool little restaurants and shopping areas around Napa as well. Along the main road there’s is a lot of cool wineries as well. If you like wine this is definitely the place to go. Lots of cool little wineries with great wines. So if you in the neighborhood look me up and we can hang out in Napa.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Operation Christmas Child Heres the web site for this but just to let you know this is a program to give presents to children all around the world. There may other ones like this but its one tha me and Alison are involved in. What you do is take a shoe box (or a container that size) and fill it with presents for a child. I know this isn't much but it'll make some kid happy and give them a chance to experiance christmas like kids here in the states. So if your looking for something to get involved in this is something i think i can recomend.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Mornings

Ok so my new Saturday morning routine, is walking to Starbucks with my wife and dog. We love waking up a little later than normal and just taking a nice walk and getting something yummy to eat and drink. It’s a nice time to talk as well. The week can be crazy so this is a nice little treat. To just walk and not worry about anything. To just enjoy the things and the morning God has given us. It also kind of fun to have something to look forward to every Saturday. So I just wanted to share that with everyone and even suggest to people to do something fun, have time with the ones you love. Just set aside something to look forward to. Anyways I’m done. Peaces out.

Friday, November 2, 2007


Ok So here i am again...for the first time. I'll try to post stuff and i'll try say something i'll try but no promises.


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