Thursday, November 8, 2007

Halo 3

Ok so this post is for all those who play a little game called Halo. Its a game that came out for the original Xbox and has evolved with its 3rd game. Halo 3 on the Xbox 360. I loved the first halo...the second one was ok...never got to into it for some reason…maybe it was because I didn’t have Ken Evans to make me play instead of going to chapel…(its true I ditched chapel to play halo with him…) The latest Halo I was very excited about. Now I was lucky to have an awesome father in law who got me my Xbox 360 which enabled me to get Halo 3. So anyways I pre-ordered it in May and it didn’t get here until about a week later, so I rented it to play it (yeah my wife found a copy!) So I started to play…didn’t get to play the story mode because at that time my friend Tim Fulton was down from Seattle so we played against each other a lot. And Andrew came over as well to play. And I didn’t have my live account up yet. Eventually I got to play the story mode and let me say…the story is awesome. I started it on Heroic because that the way the game was meant to be played…or so they say. Anyways awesome story. Now I got a live account and started playing online. So this is what truly makes the game. The story has enough to keep you playing. If you’re a freak like me there are a lot of achievements to get through the story mode, but online is where its at. It reminds me of good old college days with Ken setting up the movie room and Xboxes in at least 3 rooms…I think there was 4 but we had 3 linked. So anyways a fund game where you play and meet people all around the world. I have a friend in Japan that I play with. I have friends from coast to coast…so anyways its kind of lame but it’s a game that I love!

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