Wednesday, December 12, 2007

For Christ's sake...what are we doing

Well people might see that and think that I'm evil...whatever. I just wanted to share this. I was looking up quotes just randomly. I wanted to print some out and put them on my wall at work so i have something to look at and look to, so i can be constantly reminded of why i live. I decided to look up some Milton quotes since Milton is the man...Half of the quotes i found were so amazing but a little long and a little hard to understand. That's John Milton for ya. anyways i found this quote and it just hit me like a golf club to the side of my head.

"We read not that Christ ever exercised force but once; and that was to drive profane ones out of His temple, not to force them in." - John Milton

Wow...That's all i could think and this thought has been on my mind all day. I've been think of church and people who claim to be Christians. Who claim to do works in Christ's name. I think of the anti-abortion crowd...the anti-gay crowd. What they are doing out there. They are using force to tell these people they are going to hell. They are using methods that's Christ would have never used. Now I'm not saying abortion is good, because i firmly believe it is murder, but to hold a sign screaming and yelling at some girl who maybe 16 and not know whats she's really doing, someone who probably needs to be loved and reached out too. To see that on T.V., in the news, anywhere, saddens me. This goes a little bit with my sex drugs and rock n roll topic of beating people with the bible, who don't realize the need for a savior yet. The same for the anti-homosexual crowd. i see them and i just get sad, because is this the way we treat God's creations. They are sinners just like the rest of us, so why can't they ask for forgiveness and repent from there sins. I know a lot won't and its easy to attack them, but attacking them isn't going to get them to change there ideas and come to the Lord. Not to be so cliche but where is the Love. The Love that God showed all his people. The love that believers need to show. We must stand strong for what we believe, but we gotta show the world what true love is. That love that God showed us by giving us His Son. Sending him to be born to die. Its Christmas time, maybe now would be a good time to really show someone how amazing Christ birth was...a virgin birth of a Boy who would grow up into a Man that would die on a cross so that we could one day pray for Him to save our lives. And he came back to life and lives.

Anyways i know the Milton quote talks about forcing unbelievers into the church...not really bringing them in, but one thought sparked others in my mind and i just felt like a little ranting.

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