Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Ed, Farra, Jacko...Billy Mays

Wow what a crazy week with the celebrity deaths...lots of famous peeps are dieing and getting a lot of news for it. The one i think that has been crazy is Jackos death. I know he's huge and he did a lot for music...but come on. Its Micheal "i like to sleep with children, i have a monkey as my bff, i want the elaphant mans bones" Jackson. People seem to foget hte whacky when someone dies, but what made me most...distraught...sad...and just mad at this was the way its was being reported. I was watching the evening news and fliped to a few news chanels as well...all i saw was coverage on michael jacksons death...not the stuff going on in Iran with people rioting and dieing, not the fact that crazy north korea wants to nuke hawaii on the 4th, nothing that really maters! What about all the other people in the world that died as well on that day. Yes i understand it was news...but the first 15-20 mins of the evening news dedicated to him...A man that was a sicko and had some wierd habbits and likes...i just don't get it and it makes me sad to see what we as a society want to hear about...we talk about being so in touch with things and wanting to bring peace to the world...yet we don't want to know whats really happening. We care about 1 person dieing rather than the thousands who are dieing, who are dieing for what they believe in. Not dieing because they wouldn't eat right and was taking pain pills...if the world ends when the mians say it will...then i hope people start changing there views soon

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